Sunday, July 19, 2009

Check Out These Hubs

I am doing pretty good on HubPages, even better than I thought. I have earned just over $8 on Adsense so far and have been getting increasing numbers of visitors. I am working on creating backlinks occasionally and trying to drive traffic. Here are some links to some of the lesser viewed hubs that I would like to get out there.

Why You Should Invest in Silver
Gold and Silver as a Store of Wealth
Budgets Suck

Thanks for reading and consider buying something from Amazon.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My KFC Diatribe

We went on vacation for 2 weeks in the Orlando area and rented a 6 bedroom vacation home. We arrived Sunday afternoon after driving part of the way on Saturday. Arriving at the house about 5 pm, we decided that we would get KFC and bring it back to the house, eat dinner, and then do the grocery shopping afterwards.

I looked up the nearest KFC on my phone using the Verizon VZ Navigator program. I like it a lot although it will tend to lose the GPS signal periodically. I tried typing in Kentucky Fried Chicken, but couldn’t find one. I knew we had passed one and wanted to know if there was a closer location since it was about 6 miles away. So I typed in KFC and found it. I don’t know what it is with all the abbreviations these days. McD, KFC, RBK, MTN Dew. I’m a little older and remember when “Mountain” and all the others used to be spelled out. I guess you save some money when you don’t use vowels.

Anyway, I went to the KFC and got a 20 piece meal with 5 large sides. Half original recipe and half grilled. I like the grilled chicken. I just wish the pieces at KFC were bigger. It’s like they are serving Cornish Hens or pygmy chickens. Well, after driving back to the house, I discovered that they had left out the large potato wedges. I wasn’t too happy. I called the number on the receipt, and they said if I came back, I could get them.

So, I drove back to Store #W750261 at 5680 W US Highway 192 in Kissimmee, Florida to pick up my large potato wedges. When I got there, the young man acted put out that I would bother to come back and get something I had paid. Boy, was I annoyed. You would think they would have offered me something for my trouble. It certainly wasn’t my mistake. Plus, they were out of ketchup. How does a fast food restaurant run out of ketchup? Come on.

I am really upset about the quality of customer service in the United States today. Maybe it has something to do with the younger generation that typically works in fast food? I just don’t know. But, I have to double check my orders frequently and will often find mistakes. I should have known better and should have checked the order myself. I thought about calling the toll free number on the receipt and offering my comments. Rather, I decided to post this diatribe. I will probably have more of an impact and definitely makes me fell better.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Humming on Hubpages

Well, I have been working hard the last month on Hubpages (with the exception of my time on vacation). I have found that I like Hubpages much better than Squidoo. It seems at Squidoo your articles have to be ranked in the top 85,000 to even have any chance at earning some money. That makes it too difficult for me to compete just starting out with limited amounts of time.

Hubpages, on the other hand, allows you to keep any money from Google Adsense. I have earned almost $7 so far in 6 weeks. I suspect that number will increase as I continue to publish hubs. Furthermore, the traffic is nice. I have gotten over 800 views which could actually be considered kind of low for what some people can do. But I'm still satisfied.

Here are a few of my hubs that discuss such topics as:
Trading Stocks Like Jesse Livermore
Investing in Gold
Heat Exhaustion Safety Tips
Swimmers Ear
Covered Calls

I cover many other topics as well. Feel free to stop by and read some of my helpful articles.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hubpages and Squidoo (click on this title)

I just recently signed up for Hubpages and Squidoo. They are sites that allow you to make your own mini web page. Hubpages calls them Hubs and Squidoo calls them lenses. It is really simple to make a page about topics that interest you and publish it to the web. They have modules that place ads and other revenue sources next to your content. So far, I have to say that I am much more impressed with Hubpages. I have gotten 34 views in just a few days vs only 1 at Squidoo. Of course, neither site has made any money yet. I certainly don't expect to make a ton, but it would be nice if I could get about $20/month eventually. I am going to try and make about 100 Hubs over the next year and about the same number of lenses (if any traffic ever shows up). I may just go with the site that is working the best. Anyway, it will be an interesting experiment to see what happens. Besides, even if I don't make anything, I am having fun and learning. Just click on the title and you can go to my Hubpages profile.