Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Humming on Hubpages

Well, I have been working hard the last month on Hubpages (with the exception of my time on vacation). I have found that I like Hubpages much better than Squidoo. It seems at Squidoo your articles have to be ranked in the top 85,000 to even have any chance at earning some money. That makes it too difficult for me to compete just starting out with limited amounts of time.

Hubpages, on the other hand, allows you to keep any money from Google Adsense. I have earned almost $7 so far in 6 weeks. I suspect that number will increase as I continue to publish hubs. Furthermore, the traffic is nice. I have gotten over 800 views which could actually be considered kind of low for what some people can do. But I'm still satisfied.

Here are a few of my hubs that discuss such topics as:
Trading Stocks Like Jesse Livermore
Investing in Gold
Heat Exhaustion Safety Tips
Swimmers Ear
Covered Calls

I cover many other topics as well. Feel free to stop by and read some of my helpful articles.

1 comment:

Hup said...

Hey Kidgas -- glad to hear that you're finding some success on HubPages and I wanted to let you know that if you have any questions about anything, just send them my way and I'll help you out.

Also, as a side note, before I moved out to California I lived in Indianapolis, too. Great to see a fellow Hoosier on HubPages! Also, nice Colts gear...is that Peyton's jersey?

Talk to you soon and keep up the great Hubbing!

Ryan Hupfer
HubPages Communicator of Awesomeness!